Dean List Cert on 14/03/11

2:54 AM CSwallace 2 Comments

2 AS Dean list and 1 AM President list....
  • Lee Jen Hoong
  • See Foo Chye
  • Wong Chao Siang (of course is me~hahaha)
At least Utar gave us a cert, if not i really can't find any other reason other than FUTURE to study even harder...
This is might be the 1st time and last time i receive this cert unless i work even harder which i strongly believe that i won't be able to make it in this year one sem 3 which is relatively harder and tougher than the previous 2 sems...
Like a chinese saying, 曾經擁有,好過沒有, we should appreciate whatever we have now.
What i mean is not showing off this all around the world, but be proud of yourself.
Really hope that i can have this again in this semester.がんばて!!!


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